Thursday, 12 April 2012

Bakers Twine

The other day whilst I was browsing in IKEA I came across some brown paper wrapping paper. And as i'm a person of little pleasures i completely wet myself at the sight of it. No, i'm not scared of paper, i've been looking for some everywhere for a looong time and couldn't find any for love nor money (Silly saying, i feel it though). So after purchasing myself some brown paper to prettify myself some presents (Boyfriend and best friend no more will you find yourself with cheesy paper patterned with kitties and puppies, but you will find yourself with a very sophisticated box of awesome) i realized that i hadn't got anything to wrap it with, which sounds silly because you wrap with paper... Right? But i mean ribbony things. Normal ribbon looks way too boring so i thought of getting some bakers twine. But woah nelly it wasn't to be. It's way expensive with all the shipping and whatnot so i was a little against that. Then it hit me (Quite literally i dropped a ball of cotton on my foot) i'll make my own! So here's a little how to on making bakers twine. It's literally the easiest thing in the world.

- Cutting mat
- Sharpie of choice
- Scissors
- Crotcheting cotton or wool or something that's white
- Some card
- A little card bobbon that i made myself or you can make yourself
- Ruler

Simples! *Squeak*

That's what you need up there

Get your peice of card first. It literally doesn't matter how big the card is, it's just to wrap the cotton around to stop the sharpie going everywhere. Cut your cotton to a pretty good length. I chose to do mine at about 5m just for shits and giggles. Once you've done that, crap it continuously around the peice of card. Don't do what i did and mondlessley cut the cotton at one end. I didn't realize what i was doing until it was done and had to start over. D'oh.

Get your sharpie and colour in little rectangles every so often on the twine. Then flip over and do the other side. Do the rectangles as thick as you want them, it just makes it more visible if they're really thick. I liked them thinner so stuck like this.

Unravel the twine from the peice of card and wrap it around your makeshift bobbin, if you made one or store it however you like for later just so it stays tidy.

DONE! Didn't I tell you it was easy?! Now go and make your presents all pretty.

Ciao for now!

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Come see how i made it!