Monday, 23 April 2012

Lavender Beauties

I long ago decided that my closet needed a new smell, so i decided to use up the bag full of dried lavender that i've had lying around forever. It took me a while, but i seem to have successfully found a way to make my wardrobe smell nice and still look good.

That's what you're going to be making, up there.

What you'll need:
- Dried Lavender
- Fabric shears
- Pinking shears
- Buttons (I didn't actually use these as they were too big, but you get my point)
- Coloured felt
- Ruler
- Thin ribbon
- Tailors chalk
- A sheet of paper
- Some sticky tape
- A sewing machine or a needle and thread

My previous point in picture form

Take your peice of felt and flip it over to the wrong side. Get your ruler and measure out a square of felt measuring 10cm x 10cm. This will be your bag. It doesn't have to be this size, i just chose this as i  liked the measurements.  

Use your fabric shears to cut out however many squares you've marked. Just remember you'll need two for each bag.

Get your needle and thread or sewing machine and with wrong sides together, sew the two peices together with sharp corners, or as sharp as you can. I'd say it's best to use a sewing machine, as the lavender is quite coarse and may fall through large holes if they're left open. Don't forget to leave an opening in the middle of an inch or two to funnel the lavender in.

Take your peice of paper and roll it up into a cone shape like above. Put a peice of sticky tape in the middle to hold it all together. Use your scissors to cut the smaller end and make it bigger so that the lavender can fall through.

Put your funnel into the opening in the bag and start to empty your lavender into it. Just do it bit by bit. You'll have to shake the funnel around a little to get it to dispense. Keep moving the bag around to make sure that you get it dispensed evenly into it. You're best to keep a little tray underneath so you don't make a big mess with it all. Once you've done take the funnel out and push all of the lavender down so theres none in the opening to the bag. Sew it up on your machine and ensure that you've got no lavender or holes left.

Check that all of the holes are sewn up and that's the bag technically done. You can keep it square and straight edged if you like, but i chose to use my pinking shears on it to make it a little more decorative.

Use your pinking shears if you wish to and cut evenly down each side, or whatever sides you want.

Finished! If you want them for your drawers, then you can leave them like this. But if you want to hang them on coathangers don't forget to put a little loop of ribbon and a button or two to hide the stitching lines.

Hope you've enjoyed! Comment if you like it! This is how it looks on my silky purple hanger and will now make my wardrobe smell pretty!

Ciao for now!

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