- Shrinky Dink
- Hunger Games book or a template
- An X-Acto knife
- Paint/Nail Varnish
- 2 Pairs of pliers
- Chain (If you want a necklace)
- Brooch Back (If you want a brooch)
- Pencil
- Jump Ring (If you want a necklace)
Jumping on the bandwagon'
Your ingredients should look similar to this ^-^
I didn't take pictures of this bit, because i'm silly. But it's pretty basic. You need to get yourself a picture of the hunger games logo (Or MockingJay as we sophisticated ones know it) and transfer it to your shrinky dink. Cut this out with your craft knife (Be careful, seriously. Shrinky dink is extremely difficult to cut, and you need a lot of pressure to cut it) Once you've cut it all it should look like the picture above only flipped. If you want a necklace, put a hole with a hole punch on the top in the Mocking Jays wing.
Now get your heat tool and SHRINK. Or use your oven if you're uber professional. It should look like the above, if you've sized it right (I actually traced the book cover to get it this size so there's your guide)

That's just a picture showing it in relation to the actual cover.
Next get yourself some nail varnish or paint. I used nail varnish only because i love to use nail varnish and don't have any paint. Mines actually waaay darker than the original cover, but i really like it. If you want, you can draw on some of the details, but i prefered it as just a solid colour.
Now get your brooch back and use some really strong glue on it. I used hot glue because it was the only thing ive got lying around. And it seemed to work okay. If you want to turn it into a necklace then put the jump ring through the hole you've shrunk down and thread the necklace through it.
Et voila. You're done. You're Now Katniss Everdeen. Now go find your Peeta (Or Gale depending on your preference). I cannot be held responsible for any Peeta/Gale action you get.
Ciao for now!
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Come see how i made it!