Tuesday, 20 March 2012


That title just completely describes my mood as i wake up this morning. I just impulsively (Eh? Post title and big word, right there) made a rugby ball/american football necklace. I woke up with the idea (And the realization that i'm in love with Rizzle Kicks), so here's my first real tutorial:

Ingredients (Or as some people would call it, Equipment):
- A cutting mat
- An X-Acto knife
- Some Fimo
- 2 Pairs of pliers
- Some tinfoil
- An oven device
- A pencil
- Some paper
- A push pin
- A jump ring
- Some Nail varnish (Or another painting device)

A picture of most of the stuff you'll need

First off get your fimo and squish it down on your cutting mat, you could use a pasta roller or something, but i don't have one of those so i use a makeshift rolling pin (More commonly known as a deoderant bottle (Not shown)). You're also going to need a template, so go ahead and draw one of those on a sheet of paper that's about the size you want it, make sure that it fits your fimo too. You can use this template here, it's the same one that i used! Cut it out of your paper once your done.

Put your paper template on top of your fimo, and cut around it.

Neaten up the edges and take off the paper template once you've done that. Now get your push pin and put a hole right where you want the jump ring to go.

A useful zoom-zoom of where the hole is positioned

Get your pliers and open your jump ring halfway or so, just so you can slide it into the hole in your fimo. Make sure you don't push it too hard when you're putting it in the fimo, because you'll rip the fimo and have to start all over again.

This is the finished product, well finished in terms of cutting and putting.

Make yourself a little tray out of some tinfoil and put your little rugby ball looking thing onto it.

Put the oven on for 15 minutes on gas mark 1/2 or however long you have to cook your fimo for.


Hows about you tell me what you think of my project? Comment below and tell me if you like it, and if i can improve it more.

I reckon that you could very easily make this and turn it into a keyring for a boyfriend or dad (Or girlfriend or mom if they're into that stuff!)

Well i'm obsessed with long necklaces, so i thought that i'd make it really long, so it hangs all nice. I intended on wearing this necklace to go with my favourite varsity jacket, but i didn't finish it in time, so i had to go necklace-less. I felt naked.

Ciao for now!

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